Rice Pastry API

Package rice.pastry.testing

Class Summary
ClosestRegrTest ClosestRegrTest A test suite for the getClosest algorithm
DirectPastryPingTest DirectPastryPingTest A performance test suite for pastry.
DirectPastryRegrTest PastryRegrTest a regression test suite for pastry.
DistHelloWorld A hello world example for pastry.
DistPastryRegrTest a regression test suite for pastry with "distributed" nodes.
HelloWorld A hello world example for pastry.
HelloWorldApp A hello world example for pastry.
IdRangeUnit IdRangeUnit tests the IdRange class.
LeafSetTest This class tests the correctness of the leafset in Pastry.
NodeIdUnit NodeIdUnit tests the NodeId class.
PastryRegrTest PastryRegrTest a regression test suite for pastry.
PastryTest Pastry test.
Ping Ping A performance test suite for pastry.
PingAddress PingAddress A performance test suite for pastry.
PingClient A very simple ping object.
PingMessageNew PingMessageNew A performance test suite for pastry.
PingTestRecord PingAddress A performance test suite for pastry.
RegrTestApp RegrTestApp A regression test suite for pastry.
SinglePingTest SinglePingTest A performance test suite for pastry.

Rice Pastry API

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