Rice Pastry API

Uses of Class

Packages that use NodeId

Uses of NodeId in rice.pastry

Fields in rice.pastry declared as NodeId
protected  rice.pastry.NodeId PastryNode.myNodeId

Methods in rice.pastry that return NodeId
abstract  rice.pastry.NodeId NodeHandle.getNodeId()
          Gets the nodeId of this Pastry node.
 rice.pastry.NodeId NodeIdFactory.generateNodeId()
          Generates a nodeId.
 rice.pastry.NodeId PastryNode.getNodeId()

Methods in rice.pastry with parameters of type NodeId
 rice.pastry.NodeHandle NodeSet.get(rice.pastry.NodeId nid)
          Finds the NodeHandle associated with a NodeId.
 boolean NodeSet.member(rice.pastry.NodeId nid)
          test membership using Id
 rice.pastry.NodeHandle NodeSet.remove(rice.pastry.NodeId nid)
          Removes a node id and its handle from the set.
 int NodeSet.getIndex(rice.pastry.NodeId nid)
          Gets the index of the element with the given node id.
 rice.pastry.NodeHandle NodeSetI.get(rice.pastry.NodeId nid)
          Finds the NodeHandle associated with the NodeId.
 boolean NodeSetI.member(rice.pastry.NodeId nid)
          Verifies if the set contains this particular id.
 rice.pastry.NodeHandle NodeSetI.remove(rice.pastry.NodeId nid)
          Removes a node id and its handle from the set.
 int NodeSetI.getIndex(rice.pastry.NodeId nid)
          Gets the index of the element with the given node id.
 boolean PastryNode.isClosest(rice.pastry.NodeId key)
          Called by the layered Pastry application to check if the local pastry node is the one that is currently closest to the object key id.
abstract  rice.pastry.PastryNode PastryNodeFactory.newNode(rice.pastry.NodeHandle bootstrap, rice.pastry.NodeId nodeId)
          Call this to construct a new node of the type chosen by the factory, with the given nodeId.

Constructors in rice.pastry with parameters of type NodeId
PastryNode(rice.pastry.NodeId id)
          Constructor, with NodeId.

Uses of NodeId in rice.pastry.client

Methods in rice.pastry.client that return NodeId
 rice.pastry.NodeId PastryAppl.getNodeId()
          Gets the node id associated with this client.

Methods in rice.pastry.client with parameters of type NodeId
 boolean PastryAppl.isClosest(rice.pastry.NodeId key)
          Called by the layered Pastry application to check if the local pastry node is the one that is currently closest to the object key id.
 boolean PastryAppl.enrouteMessage(rice.pastry.messaging.Message msg, rice.pastry.Id key, rice.pastry.NodeId nextHop, rice.pastry.routing.SendOptions opt)
          Called by pastry when a message is enroute and is passing through this node.

Uses of NodeId in rice.pastry.commonapi

Methods in rice.pastry.commonapi with parameters of type NodeId
 boolean PastryEndpoint.enrouteMessage(rice.p2p.commonapi.Message msg, rice.p2p.commonapi.Id key, rice.pastry.NodeId nextHop, rice.pastry.routing.SendOptions opt)

Uses of NodeId in rice.pastry.direct

Methods in rice.pastry.direct that return NodeId
 rice.pastry.NodeId DirectNodeHandle.getNodeId()
          Gets the NodeId attribute of the DirectNodeHandle object

Methods in rice.pastry.direct with parameters of type NodeId
 rice.pastry.PastryNode DirectPastryNodeFactory.newNode(rice.pastry.NodeHandle bootstrap, rice.pastry.NodeId nodeId)
          Manufacture a new Pastry node.
 boolean EuclideanNetwork.isAlive(rice.pastry.NodeId nid)
          testing if a NodeId is alive
 rice.pastry.direct.DirectNodeHandle EuclideanNetwork.getClosest(rice.pastry.NodeId nid)
          find the closest NodeId to an input NodeId out of all NodeIds in the network
 void EuclideanNetwork.setAlive(rice.pastry.NodeId nid, boolean alive)
          set the liveliness of a NodeId
 int EuclideanNetwork.proximity(rice.pastry.NodeId a, rice.pastry.NodeId b)
          computes the proximity between two NodeIds
 int EuclideanNetwork.proximity(rice.pastry.NodeId a, rice.pastry.NodeId b)
          computes the proximity between two NodeIds
 boolean NetworkSimulator.isAlive(rice.pastry.NodeId nid)
          Checks to see if a node id is alive.
 int NetworkSimulator.proximity(rice.pastry.NodeId a, rice.pastry.NodeId b)
          Determines proximity between two nodes.
 int NetworkSimulator.proximity(rice.pastry.NodeId a, rice.pastry.NodeId b)
          Determines proximity between two nodes.
 rice.pastry.direct.DirectNodeHandle NetworkSimulator.getClosest(rice.pastry.NodeId nid)
 void NetworkSimulator.setAlive(rice.pastry.NodeId nid, boolean alive)
 boolean SphereNetwork.isAlive(rice.pastry.NodeId nid)
          testing if a NodeId is alive
 rice.pastry.direct.DirectNodeHandle SphereNetwork.getClosest(rice.pastry.NodeId nid)
          find the closest NodeId to an input NodeId out of all NodeIds in the network
 void SphereNetwork.setAlive(rice.pastry.NodeId nid, boolean alive)
          set the liveliness of a NodeId
 int SphereNetwork.proximity(rice.pastry.NodeId a, rice.pastry.NodeId b)
          computes the proximity between two NodeIds
 int SphereNetwork.proximity(rice.pastry.NodeId a, rice.pastry.NodeId b)
          computes the proximity between two NodeIds

Constructors in rice.pastry.direct with parameters of type NodeId
DirectPastryNode(rice.pastry.NodeId id, rice.pastry.direct.NetworkSimulator sim)

Uses of NodeId in rice.pastry.dist

Fields in rice.pastry.dist declared as NodeId
protected  rice.pastry.NodeId DistNodeHandle.nodeId

Methods in rice.pastry.dist that return NodeId
 rice.pastry.NodeId DistNodeHandle.getNodeId()
          Gets the nodeId of this Pastry node.

Methods in rice.pastry.dist with parameters of type NodeId
abstract  rice.pastry.PastryNode DistPastryNodeFactory.newNode(rice.pastry.NodeHandle bootstrap, rice.pastry.NodeId nodeId)
          Generates a new pastry node with the specified NodeId using the bootstrap bootstrap.

Constructors in rice.pastry.dist with parameters of type NodeId
DistNodeHandle(rice.pastry.NodeId nodeId, java.net.InetSocketAddress address)
DistPastryNode(rice.pastry.NodeId id)
          Constructor, with NodeId.

Uses of NodeId in rice.pastry.leafset

Methods in rice.pastry.leafset with parameters of type NodeId
 rice.pastry.NodeHandle LeafSet.get(rice.pastry.NodeId nid)
          Finds the NodeHandle associated with the NodeId.
 int LeafSet.getIndex(rice.pastry.NodeId nid)
          Gets the index of the element with the given node id.
 boolean LeafSet.member(rice.pastry.NodeId nid)
          Verifies if the set contains this particular id.
 rice.pastry.NodeHandle LeafSet.remove(rice.pastry.NodeId nid)
          Removes a node id and its handle from the set.
 rice.pastry.NodeHandle SimilarSet.get(rice.pastry.NodeId nid)
          Finds the NodeHandle associated with the NodeId.
 boolean SimilarSet.member(rice.pastry.NodeId nid)
          Verifies if the set contains this particular id.
 rice.pastry.NodeHandle SimilarSet.remove(rice.pastry.NodeId nid)
          Removes a node id and its handle from the set.
 int SimilarSet.getIndex(rice.pastry.NodeId nid)
          Gets the index of the element with the given node id.

Uses of NodeId in rice.pastry.messaging

Methods in rice.pastry.messaging that return NodeId
 rice.pastry.NodeId Message.getSenderId()
          Get sender Id.

Methods in rice.pastry.messaging with parameters of type NodeId
 void Message.setSenderId(rice.pastry.NodeId id)
          Set sender Id.

Uses of NodeId in rice.pastry.multiring

Subclasses of NodeId in rice.pastry.multiring
 class RingNodeId
          This class represents a nodeId, combined with a ring-identfying Id.

Methods in rice.pastry.multiring that return NodeId
 rice.pastry.NodeId MultiRingPastryNode.getNodeId()
 rice.pastry.NodeId RandomRingNodeIdFactory.generateNodeId()
          generate a nodeId
 rice.pastry.NodeId RingId.toNodeId()
          Copy the ringId into a new Nodeid

Methods in rice.pastry.multiring with parameters of type NodeId
 void MultiRingAppl.isNewRoot(rice.pastry.NodeId topicId)
 void MultiRingAppl.newParent(rice.pastry.NodeId topicId, rice.pastry.NodeHandle newParent, java.io.Serializable data)
 void MultiRingAppl.subscribeHandler(rice.pastry.NodeId topicId, rice.pastry.NodeHandle child, boolean wasAdded, java.io.Serializable obj)
 boolean MultiRingPastryNode.isClosest(rice.pastry.NodeId key)
 rice.pastry.PastryNode MultiRingPastryNodeFactory.newNode(rice.pastry.NodeHandle bootstrap, rice.pastry.NodeId nodeId)

Constructors in rice.pastry.multiring with parameters of type NodeId
RingNodeId(rice.pastry.NodeId nodeId, rice.pastry.multiring.RingId ringId)

Uses of NodeId in rice.pastry.rmi

Methods in rice.pastry.rmi that return NodeId
 rice.pastry.NodeId RMIRemoteNodeI.getNodeId()

Methods in rice.pastry.rmi with parameters of type NodeId
 void RMIPastryNode.remoteReceiveMessage(rice.pastry.messaging.Message msg, rice.pastry.NodeId hopDest)
          Proxies to the local node to accept a message.
 rice.pastry.PastryNode RMIPastryNodeFactory.newNode(rice.pastry.NodeHandle bootstrap, rice.pastry.NodeId nodeId)
          Makes many policy choices and manufactures a new RMIPastryNode.
 void RMIRemoteNodeI.remoteReceiveMessage(rice.pastry.messaging.Message msg, rice.pastry.NodeId hopDest)

Constructors in rice.pastry.rmi with parameters of type NodeId
RMINodeHandle(rice.pastry.rmi.RMIRemoteNodeI rn, rice.pastry.NodeId nid, java.net.InetSocketAddress address)
RMINodeHandle(rice.pastry.rmi.RMIRemoteNodeI rn, rice.pastry.NodeId nid, rice.pastry.PastryNode pn, java.net.InetSocketAddress address)
          Alternate constructor with local Pastry node.
RMIPastryNode(rice.pastry.NodeId id)

Uses of NodeId in rice.pastry.routing

Methods in rice.pastry.routing with parameters of type NodeId
 boolean RouteMessage.routeMessage(rice.pastry.NodeId localId)
          Routes the messages if the next hop has been set up.
 rice.pastry.NodeHandle RouteSet.remove(rice.pastry.NodeId nid)
          Removes a node from a set.
 boolean RouteSet.member(rice.pastry.NodeId nid)
          Membership test.
 rice.pastry.NodeHandle RouteSet.get(rice.pastry.NodeId nid)
          Returns the node handle with the matching node id or null if none exists.
 int RouteSet.getIndex(rice.pastry.NodeId nid)
          Get the index of the node id.
 rice.pastry.NodeHandle RoutingTable.get(rice.pastry.NodeId nid)
          Gets the node handle associated with a given id.
 rice.pastry.NodeHandle RoutingTable.remove(rice.pastry.NodeId nid)
          Removes a node id from the table.

Uses of NodeId in rice.pastry.standard

Methods in rice.pastry.standard that return NodeId
 rice.pastry.NodeId IPNodeIdFactory.generateNodeId()
          generate a nodeId multiple invocations result in a deterministic series of randomized NodeIds, seeded by the IP address of the local host.
 rice.pastry.NodeId RandomNodeIdFactory.generateNodeId()
          generate a nodeId

Uses of NodeId in rice.pastry.testing

Fields in rice.pastry.testing declared as NodeId
 rice.pastry.NodeId PastryRegrTest.lastNode

Methods in rice.pastry.testing that return NodeId
 rice.pastry.NodeId LeafSetTest.TestNodeHandle.getNodeId()
 rice.pastry.NodeId NodeIdUnit.createNodeId()
 rice.pastry.NodeId PingMessageNew.getSource()

Methods in rice.pastry.testing with parameters of type NodeId
protected  boolean DirectPastryRegrTest.isReallyAlive(rice.pastry.NodeId id)
          get authoritative information about liveness of node.
 boolean DistPastryRegrTest.isReallyAlive(rice.pastry.NodeId id)
 boolean HelloWorldApp.enrouteMessage(rice.pastry.messaging.Message msg, rice.pastry.Id key, rice.pastry.NodeId nextHop, rice.pastry.routing.SendOptions opt)
          Invoked on intermediate nodes in routing path.
protected abstract  boolean PastryRegrTest.isReallyAlive(rice.pastry.NodeId id)
          determine whether this node is really alive.
 void Ping.sendPing(rice.pastry.NodeId nid)
 boolean Ping.enrouteMessage(rice.pastry.messaging.Message msg, rice.pastry.Id from, rice.pastry.NodeId nextHop, rice.pastry.routing.SendOptions opt)
 void PingClient.sendPing(rice.pastry.NodeId nid)
 void PingClient.sendTrace(rice.pastry.NodeId nid)
 boolean PingClient.enrouteMessage(rice.pastry.messaging.Message msg, rice.pastry.Id from, rice.pastry.NodeId nextHop, rice.pastry.routing.SendOptions opt)
 void RegrTestApp.sendMsg(rice.pastry.NodeId nid)
 void RegrTestApp.sendTrace(rice.pastry.NodeId nid)

Constructors in rice.pastry.testing with parameters of type NodeId
LeafSetTest.TestNodeHandle(rice.pastry.NodeId id)
PingMessageNew(rice.pastry.messaging.Address pingAddress, rice.pastry.NodeId src, rice.pastry.NodeId tgt)
PingMessageNew(rice.pastry.messaging.Address pingAddress, rice.pastry.NodeId src, rice.pastry.NodeId tgt)

Uses of NodeId in rice.pastry.wire

Methods in rice.pastry.wire that return NodeId
 rice.pastry.NodeId PendingWrite.getDestination()
          Returns the destination address of this write

Methods in rice.pastry.wire with parameters of type NodeId
 void DatagramManager.resetAckNumber(rice.pastry.NodeId node)
          Designed to be called by a node handle when a socket is open in order to reset the seqence number of UDP.
 void DatagramManager.write(rice.pastry.NodeId destination, java.net.InetSocketAddress address, java.lang.Object o)
          Method designed for node handles to use when they wish to write to their remote node.
 void DatagramTransmissionManager.resetAckNumber(rice.pastry.NodeId node)
          Resets the sequence number for the specified node
 rice.pastry.wire.WireNodeHandle WireNodeHandlePool.get(rice.pastry.NodeId nodeId)
 rice.pastry.PastryNode WirePastryNodeFactory.newNode(rice.pastry.NodeHandle bootstrap, rice.pastry.NodeId nodeId)
          Method which creates a Pastry node from the next port with a randomly generated NodeId.

Constructors in rice.pastry.wire with parameters of type NodeId
PendingWrite(rice.pastry.NodeId destination, java.net.InetSocketAddress address, java.lang.Object o)
          Contructs a PendingWrite from an address and an object
WireNodeHandle(java.net.InetSocketAddress address, rice.pastry.NodeId nid)
WireNodeHandle(java.net.InetSocketAddress address, rice.pastry.NodeId nid, rice.pastry.PastryNode pn)
          Alternate constructor with local Pastry node.
WirePastryNode(rice.pastry.NodeId id)

Uses of NodeId in rice.pastry.wire.messaging.datagram

Fields in rice.pastry.wire.messaging.datagram declared as NodeId
protected  rice.pastry.NodeId DatagramMessage.source
protected  rice.pastry.NodeId DatagramMessage.destination

Methods in rice.pastry.wire.messaging.datagram that return NodeId
 rice.pastry.NodeId DatagramMessage.getSource()
          Returns the NodeId from which this message came.
 rice.pastry.NodeId DatagramMessage.getDestination()
          Returns the NodeId which is the destination

Constructors in rice.pastry.wire.messaging.datagram with parameters of type NodeId
AcknowledgementMessage(rice.pastry.NodeId source, rice.pastry.NodeId destination, int num, java.net.InetSocketAddress address)
AcknowledgementMessage(rice.pastry.NodeId source, rice.pastry.NodeId destination, int num, java.net.InetSocketAddress address)
DatagramMessage(rice.pastry.NodeId source, rice.pastry.NodeId destination, int num)
          Builds a DatagramMessage given a packet number
DatagramMessage(rice.pastry.NodeId source, rice.pastry.NodeId destination, int num)
          Builds a DatagramMessage given a packet number
DatagramTransportMessage(rice.pastry.NodeId source, rice.pastry.NodeId destination, int num, java.lang.Object o)
          Builds a DatagramMessage given an object to wrap and a packet number
DatagramTransportMessage(rice.pastry.NodeId source, rice.pastry.NodeId destination, int num, java.lang.Object o)
          Builds a DatagramMessage given an object to wrap and a packet number
PingMessage(rice.pastry.NodeId source, rice.pastry.NodeId destination, int num, rice.pastry.wire.WireNodeHandle handle)
PingMessage(rice.pastry.NodeId source, rice.pastry.NodeId destination, int num, rice.pastry.wire.WireNodeHandle handle)

Uses of NodeId in rice.pastry.wire.messaging.socket

Methods in rice.pastry.wire.messaging.socket that return NodeId
 rice.pastry.NodeId HelloMessage.getNodeId()
          Returns the NodeId of the source
 rice.pastry.NodeId HelloMessage.getDestination()
          Returns the NodeId of the source
 rice.pastry.NodeId HelloResponseMessage.getNodeId()
          Returns the NodeId of the source
 rice.pastry.NodeId HelloResponseMessage.getDestination()
          Returns the NodeId of the source
 rice.pastry.NodeId NodeIdResponseMessage.getNodeId()
          Returns the nodeId of the receiver.
 rice.pastry.NodeId SocketTransportMessage.getDestination()
          Returns the destination node id

Constructors in rice.pastry.wire.messaging.socket with parameters of type NodeId
HelloMessage(rice.pastry.wire.WirePastryNode pn, rice.pastry.NodeId dest)
HelloResponseMessage(rice.pastry.wire.WirePastryNode pn, rice.pastry.NodeId dest)
NodeIdResponseMessage(rice.pastry.NodeId nid)
SocketTransportMessage(java.lang.Object o, rice.pastry.NodeId destination)
          Constructs a new message wrapping another object.

Uses of NodeId in rice.rm

Methods in rice.rm with parameters of type NodeId
 void RMImpl.addPendingEvent(rice.pastry.NodeId toNode, int eId)
          Used to insert entries to the m_pendingEvents hashtable
 void RMImpl.removePendingEvent(rice.pastry.NodeId toNode, int eId)
          Used to remove entries to the m_pendingEvents hashtable
 boolean RMImpl.isPendingEvent(rice.pastry.NodeId toNode, int eId)
          Used to check for existence of an entry in the m_pendingEvents hashtable
 void RMImpl.addPendingRange(rice.pastry.NodeId toNode, rice.pastry.IdRange reqRange)
          Used to insert a pending range to the m_pendingRanges hashtable
 void RMImpl.updatePendingRange(rice.pastry.NodeId toNode, rice.pastry.IdRange reqRange, int numKeys)
          Used to update the state of a pending range to the m_pendingRanges hashtable.
 void RMImpl.removePendingRange(rice.pastry.NodeId toNode, rice.pastry.IdRange reqRange)
          Used to remove a pending range to the m_pendingRanges hashtable
 void RMImpl.splitPendingRanges(rice.pastry.NodeId toNode)
          Iterates over the list of pending Ranges and splits the ranges if the expected number of keys in a range is greater than MAXKEYSINRANGE.
 java.util.Vector RMImpl.getPendingRanges(rice.pastry.NodeId toNode)
          Gets the list of pending Ranges corresponding to a node that we are communicating to in the Keys Exchange Protocol.
 void RMImpl.printPendingRanges(rice.pastry.NodeId toNode)
          Prints the list of pending Ranges corresponding to a node that we are communicating to in the Keys Exchange Protocol.

Uses of NodeId in rice.scribe

Fields in rice.scribe declared as NodeId
protected  rice.pastry.NodeId Topic.m_topicId
          This topic's identifier

Methods in rice.scribe that return NodeId
 rice.pastry.NodeId IScribe.generateTopicId(java.lang.String topicName)
          Generate a unique id for the topic, which will determine its rendezvous point.
 rice.pastry.NodeId Scribe.generateTopicId(java.lang.String topicName)
          Generate a unique id for the topic, which will determine its rendezvous point.
 rice.pastry.NodeId Scribe.getFingerprintForParentTopics(rice.pastry.NodeHandle parent)
 rice.pastry.NodeId Scribe.getFingerprintForChildTopics(rice.pastry.NodeHandle child)
 rice.pastry.NodeId Topic.getTopicId()
          Returns the topic's id

Methods in rice.scribe with parameters of type NodeId
 boolean IScribe.create(rice.pastry.NodeId groupID, rice.pastry.security.Credentials cred)
          Creates a group/topic if the credentials are valid.
 boolean IScribe.join(rice.pastry.NodeId groupID, rice.scribe.IScribeApp subscriber, rice.pastry.security.Credentials cred)
          Joins a multicast group/topic.
 boolean IScribe.join(rice.pastry.NodeId groupID, rice.scribe.IScribeApp subscriber, rice.pastry.security.Credentials cred, java.io.Serializable obj)
          Joins a multicast group/topic.
 boolean IScribe.leave(rice.pastry.NodeId groupID, rice.scribe.IScribeApp subscriber, rice.pastry.security.Credentials cred)
          Leaving a multicast group/topic.
 boolean IScribe.multicast(rice.pastry.NodeId groupID, java.io.Serializable obj, rice.pastry.security.Credentials cred)
          Multicast information to a group/topic.
 boolean IScribe.anycast(rice.pastry.NodeId groupID, java.io.Serializable obj, rice.pastry.security.Credentials cred)
          Anycast to a group/topic.
 boolean IScribe.anycast(rice.pastry.NodeId groupId, rice.scribe.messaging.MessageAnycast anycastMessage, rice.pastry.security.Credentials cred)
          An application can create sub-classes of MessageAnycast type of messages and write their own handling functions so as to take care of routing of these messages and also to handle cases where the anycast message reaches an intermediate node where there is no application running to take care of it.
 rice.pastry.NodeHandle IScribe.getParent(rice.pastry.NodeId topicId)
          Returns the local node's parent in this topic's multicast tree.
 boolean IScribe.setParent(rice.pastry.NodeHandle parent, rice.pastry.NodeId topicId)
          Sets the parent for the topic specified by topicId.
 java.util.Vector IScribe.getChildren(rice.pastry.NodeId topicId)
          This returns the most current view of the children in this topic's multicast subtree rooted at the local node.
 int IScribe.numChildren(rice.pastry.NodeId topicId)
          This returns the number of children in this topic's multicast subtree rooted at the local node.
 boolean IScribe.addChild(rice.pastry.NodeHandle child, rice.pastry.NodeId topicId)
          Add a node as a child in the children table for a topic.
 boolean IScribe.removeChild(rice.pastry.NodeHandle child, rice.pastry.NodeId topicId)
          Removes a node as a child from the children table for a topic.
 void IScribeApp.subscribeHandler(rice.pastry.NodeId topicId, rice.pastry.NodeHandle child, boolean wasAdded, java.io.Serializable obj)
          Invoked by Scribe after a child is added to or removed from one of the node's children tables.
 void IScribeApp.isNewRoot(rice.pastry.NodeId topicId)
          Upcall made by scribe to registered applications to inform them that local node is now the root for some topic, and hence can take appropriate action.
 void IScribeApp.newParent(rice.pastry.NodeId topicId, rice.pastry.NodeHandle newParent, java.io.Serializable data)
          Upcall made by scribe to the registered applications to inform them that a new parent is found for local node in the topic tree.
 boolean Scribe.isRoot(rice.pastry.NodeId topicId)
          Returns true if the local node is currently the root(the node that is closest to the topicId) of the topic.
 boolean Scribe.create(rice.pastry.NodeId topicId, rice.pastry.security.Credentials cred)
          Creates a group/topic if the credentials are valid.
 boolean Scribe.join(rice.pastry.NodeId topicId, rice.scribe.IScribeApp subscriber, rice.pastry.security.Credentials cred)
          Joins a multicast group/topic.
 boolean Scribe.join(rice.pastry.NodeId topicId, rice.scribe.IScribeApp subscriber, rice.pastry.security.Credentials cred, java.io.Serializable obj)
          Joins a multicast group/topic.
 boolean Scribe.leave(rice.pastry.NodeId topicId, rice.scribe.IScribeApp subscriber, rice.pastry.security.Credentials cred)
          Leaving a multicast group/topic.
 boolean Scribe.multicast(rice.pastry.NodeId topicId, java.io.Serializable obj, rice.pastry.security.Credentials cred)
          Multicast information to a group/topic.
 boolean Scribe.anycast(rice.pastry.NodeId groupID, java.io.Serializable obj, rice.pastry.security.Credentials cred)
          Anycast to a group/topic.
 boolean Scribe.anycast(rice.pastry.NodeId groupID, rice.scribe.messaging.MessageAnycast anycastMessage, rice.pastry.security.Credentials cred)
          An application can create sub-classes of MessageAnycast type of messages and write their own handling functions so as to do some application-specific predicate searching.
 boolean Scribe.enrouteMessage(rice.pastry.messaging.Message msg, rice.pastry.Id target, rice.pastry.NodeId nextHop, rice.pastry.routing.SendOptions opt)
          Called by pastry when a message is enroute and is passing through this node.
 rice.scribe.messaging.ScribeMessage Scribe.makeSubscribeMessage(rice.pastry.NodeId tid, rice.pastry.security.Credentials c)
          Makes a subscribe message using the current Pastry node as the source.
 rice.scribe.messaging.ScribeMessage Scribe.makeUnsubscribeMessage(rice.pastry.NodeId tid, rice.pastry.security.Credentials c)
          Makes an unsubscribe message using the current Pastry node as the source.
 rice.scribe.messaging.ScribeMessage Scribe.makeCreateMessage(rice.pastry.NodeId tid, rice.pastry.security.Credentials c)
          Makes a create message using the current Pastry node as the source.
 rice.scribe.messaging.ScribeMessage Scribe.makePublishMessage(rice.pastry.NodeId tid, rice.pastry.security.Credentials c)
          Makes a publish message using the current Pastry node as the source.
 rice.scribe.messaging.ScribeMessage Scribe.makeAnycastMessage(rice.pastry.NodeId tid, rice.pastry.security.Credentials c)
          Makes a anycast message using the current Pastry node as the source.
 rice.scribe.messaging.ScribeMessage Scribe.makeAckOnSubscribeMessage(rice.pastry.NodeId tid, rice.pastry.security.Credentials c)
          Makes a AckOnSubscribe message using the current Pastry node as the source.
 rice.scribe.messaging.ScribeMessage Scribe.makeAckOnSubscribeMessage(rice.pastry.NodeId tid, rice.pastry.security.Credentials c, java.io.Serializable data)
          Makes a AckOnSubscribe message using the current Pastry node as the source.
 rice.scribe.Topic Scribe.getTopic(rice.pastry.NodeId topicId)
          Returns the topic object associated with topicId.
 void Scribe.addChildForTopic(rice.pastry.NodeHandle child, rice.pastry.NodeId topicId)
          Adds a child for a topic into the distinctChildrenTable.
 void Scribe.removeChildForTopic(rice.pastry.NodeHandle child, rice.pastry.NodeId topicId)
          Removes a child for a topic from the distinctChildrenTable.
 void Scribe.removeParentForTopic(rice.pastry.NodeHandle parent, rice.pastry.NodeId topicId)
          Removes a parent for a topic fromthe distinctParentTable.
 void Scribe.addParentForTopic(rice.pastry.NodeHandle parent, rice.pastry.NodeId topicId)
          Adds a parent for a topic into the distinctParentTable.
 boolean Scribe.addChildToAlreadySentHBNodes(rice.pastry.NodeId childId)
          Adds a child to the list of nodes to which this node has already send a implicit HeartBeat message in the form of Publish message in this Heartbeat period.
 rice.pastry.NodeHandle Scribe.getParent(rice.pastry.NodeId topicId)
          Returns the local node's parent in this topic's multicast tree.
 boolean Scribe.setParent(rice.pastry.NodeHandle parent, rice.pastry.NodeId topicId)
          Sets the parent for the topic specified by topicId.
 java.util.Vector Scribe.getChildren(rice.pastry.NodeId topicId)
          This returns the most current view of the children in this topic's multicast subtree rooted at the local node.
 void Scribe.childObserver(rice.pastry.NodeHandle child, rice.pastry.NodeId topicId, boolean wasAdded, rice.scribe.messaging.ScribeMessage pmsg, java.io.Serializable data)
          Whenever the children table for a topic is changed, ( a child is added or removed), this method is invoked to do some handling.
 int Scribe.numChildren(rice.pastry.NodeId topicId)
          This returns the number of children in this topic's multicast subtree rooted at the local node.
 boolean Scribe.addChild(rice.pastry.NodeHandle child, rice.pastry.NodeId topicId)
          Add a node as a child in the children table for a topic.
 boolean Scribe.addChild(rice.pastry.NodeHandle child, rice.pastry.NodeId topicId, java.io.Serializable data)
          Add a node as a child in the children table for a topic.
 boolean Scribe.removeChild(rice.pastry.NodeHandle child, rice.pastry.NodeId topicId)
          Removes a node as a child from the children table for a topic.
 void Scribe.notifyScribeObservers(rice.pastry.NodeId topicId)
          Notifies the applications on top of scribe who are interested in knowing the events of implicit topic creation.

Constructors in rice.scribe with parameters of type NodeId
Topic(rice.pastry.NodeId topicId, rice.scribe.Scribe scribe)
          Constructs an empty Topic

Uses of NodeId in rice.scribe.messaging

Fields in rice.scribe.messaging declared as NodeId
protected  rice.pastry.NodeId ScribeMessage.m_topicId
          The ID of the topic that this message refers to.

Methods in rice.scribe.messaging that return NodeId
 rice.pastry.NodeId ScribeMessage.getTopicId()
          Returns the topicId associated with the message.

Constructors in rice.scribe.messaging with parameters of type NodeId
MessageAckOnSubscribe(rice.pastry.messaging.Address addr, rice.pastry.NodeHandle source, rice.pastry.NodeId tid, rice.pastry.security.Credentials c, java.io.Serializable data)
MessageAnycast(rice.pastry.messaging.Address addr, rice.pastry.NodeHandle source, rice.pastry.NodeId topicId, rice.pastry.security.Credentials cred)
MessageCreate(rice.pastry.messaging.Address addr, rice.pastry.NodeHandle source, rice.pastry.NodeId topicId, rice.pastry.security.Credentials c)
MessagePublish(rice.pastry.messaging.Address addr, rice.pastry.NodeHandle source, rice.pastry.NodeId topicId, rice.pastry.security.Credentials c)
MessageSubscribe(rice.pastry.messaging.Address addr, rice.pastry.NodeHandle source, rice.pastry.NodeId tid, rice.pastry.security.Credentials c)
MessageUnsubscribe(rice.pastry.messaging.Address addr, rice.pastry.NodeHandle source, rice.pastry.NodeId tid, rice.pastry.security.Credentials c)
ScribeMessage(rice.pastry.messaging.Address addr, rice.pastry.NodeHandle source, rice.pastry.NodeId tid, rice.pastry.security.Credentials c)

Uses of NodeId in rice.scribe.security

Methods in rice.scribe.security with parameters of type NodeId
 boolean IScribeSecurityManager.verifyCanCreate(rice.pastry.NodeHandle handle, rice.pastry.NodeId topicId)
          Verify that the node handle has permission to create a topic.
 boolean IScribeSecurityManager.verifyCanPublish(rice.pastry.NodeHandle handle, rice.pastry.NodeId topicId)
          Verify that the node handle has permission to publish to a topic.
 boolean IScribeSecurityManager.verifyCanSubscribe(rice.pastry.NodeHandle handle, rice.pastry.NodeId topicId)
          Verify that the node handle has permission to subscribe to a topic.
 boolean PSecurityManager.verifyCanCreate(rice.pastry.NodeHandle handle, rice.pastry.NodeId topicId)
          Verify that the node handle has permission to create a topic.
 boolean PSecurityManager.verifyCanPublish(rice.pastry.NodeHandle handle, rice.pastry.NodeId topicId)
          Verify that the node handle has permission to publish to a topic.
 boolean PSecurityManager.verifyCanSubscribe(rice.pastry.NodeHandle handle, rice.pastry.NodeId topicId)
          Verify that the node handle has permission to subscribe to a topic.

Uses of NodeId in rice.scribe.testing

Methods in rice.scribe.testing that return NodeId
 rice.pastry.NodeId BasicScribeRegrTest.generateTopicId(java.lang.String topicName)
 rice.pastry.NodeId BasicScribeRegrTestApp.generateTopicId(java.lang.String topicName)
 rice.pastry.NodeId BasicScribeRegrTestApp.getNodeId()
 rice.pastry.NodeId DirectScribeMaintenanceTest.generateTopicId(java.lang.String topicName)
 rice.pastry.NodeId DirectScribeMaintenanceTestApp.getNodeId()
static rice.pastry.NodeId DistScribeRegrTest.generateTopicId(java.lang.String topicName)

Methods in rice.scribe.testing with parameters of type NodeId
 void BasicScribeRegrTestApp.subscribeHandler(rice.pastry.NodeId topicId, rice.pastry.NodeHandle child, boolean wasAdded, java.io.Serializable obj)
          up-call invoked by scribe when a node is added/removed to the multicast tree.
 void BasicScribeRegrTestApp.create(rice.pastry.NodeId topicId)
          direct call to scribe for creating a topic from the current node.
 void BasicScribeRegrTestApp.multicast(rice.pastry.NodeId topicId)
          direct call to scribe for publishing to a topic from the current node.
 void BasicScribeRegrTestApp.anycast(rice.pastry.NodeId topicId)
          direct call to scribe for anycasting to a topic from the current node.
 void BasicScribeRegrTestApp.join(rice.pastry.NodeId topicId)
          direct call to scribe for subscribing to a topic from the current node.
 void BasicScribeRegrTestApp.leave(rice.pastry.NodeId topicId)
          direct call to scribe for unsubscribing a topic from the current node The topic is chosen randomly if null is passed and topics exist.
 void BasicScribeRegrTestApp.putTopic(rice.pastry.NodeId tid)
          Let's the current node know about a topic created in the whole scribe network.
 void BasicScribeRegrTestApp.isNewRoot(rice.pastry.NodeId topicId)
          Upcall by scribe to let this application know that it is the new root.
 void BasicScribeRegrTestApp.newParent(rice.pastry.NodeId topicId, rice.pastry.NodeHandle newParent, java.io.Serializable data)
          Upcall by scribe to let this application know about local node's new parent in the topic tree
 int DirectScribeMaintenanceTest.rootApp(rice.pastry.NodeId topicId)
          This returns the index of the application that is currently the root for the topic's multicast tree.
 int DirectScribeMaintenanceTest.BFS(rice.pastry.NodeId topicId)
          This does the Breadth First Traversal of the multicast tree for a topic.
 boolean DirectScribeMaintenanceTest.checkAnycastDFS(rice.pastry.NodeId topicId)
          Checks the DFS implemented by MessageAnycast class.
 boolean DirectScribeMaintenanceTest.checkNewJoin(rice.pastry.NodeId topicId)
          A test for checking if data was correctly propogated along subscribe messages if new join method was used, which takes data as a parameter.
 boolean DirectScribeMaintenanceTest.checkRemoveChild(rice.pastry.NodeId topicId)
          Tests the removeChild interface method.
 void DirectScribeMaintenanceTestApp.subscribeHandler(rice.pastry.NodeId topicId, rice.pastry.NodeHandle child, boolean wasAdded, java.io.Serializable obj)
          up-call invoked by scribe when a node is added/removed to the multicast tree.
 void DirectScribeMaintenanceTestApp.create(rice.pastry.NodeId topicId)
          direct call to scribe for creating a topic from the current node.
 void DirectScribeMaintenanceTestApp.multicast(rice.pastry.NodeId topicId)
          direct call to scribe for publishing to a topic from the current node.
 void DirectScribeMaintenanceTestApp.join(rice.pastry.NodeId topicId)
          direct call to scribe for subscribing to a topic from the current node.
 void DirectScribeMaintenanceTestApp.join(rice.pastry.NodeId topicId, java.io.Serializable obj)
          direct call to scribe for subscribing to a topic from the current node.
 void DirectScribeMaintenanceTestApp.leave(rice.pastry.NodeId topicId)
          direct call to scribe for unsubscribing a topic from the current node The topic is chosen randomly if null is passed and topics exist.
 void DirectScribeMaintenanceTestApp.anycast(rice.pastry.NodeId topicId)
          direct call to scribe for anycasting to a topic from the current node
 java.lang.Object DirectScribeMaintenanceTestApp.getJoinData(rice.pastry.NodeId topicId)
 void DirectScribeMaintenanceTestApp.isNewRoot(rice.pastry.NodeId topicId)
          Upcall by scribe to let this application know that it is the new root.
 void DirectScribeMaintenanceTestApp.newParent(rice.pastry.NodeId topicId, rice.pastry.NodeHandle newParent, java.io.Serializable data)
          Upcall by scribe to let this application know about local node's new parent in the topic tree
static int DistScribeRegrTest.getNumUnsubscribed(rice.pastry.NodeId topicId)
static void DistScribeRegrTest.incrementNumUnsubscribed(rice.pastry.NodeId topicId)
 void DistScribeRegrTestApp.processLog(rice.pastry.NodeId topicId, int new_seqno)
 void DistScribeRegrTestApp.subscribeHandler(rice.pastry.NodeId topicId, rice.pastry.NodeHandle child, boolean wasAdded, java.io.Serializable obj)
          up-call invoked by scribe when a node is added/removed to the multicast tree.
 void DistScribeRegrTestApp.create(rice.pastry.NodeId topicId)
          direct call to scribe for creating a topic from the current node.
 void DistScribeRegrTestApp.multicast(rice.pastry.NodeId topicId, java.io.Serializable data)
          direct call to scribe for publishing to a topic from the current node.
 void DistScribeRegrTestApp.anycast(rice.pastry.NodeId topicId, java.io.Serializable data)
          direct call to scribe for anycasting to a topic from the current node.
 void DistScribeRegrTestApp.join(rice.pastry.NodeId topicId)
          direct call to scribe for subscribing to a topic from the current node.
 void DistScribeRegrTestApp.leave(rice.pastry.NodeId topicId)
          direct call to scribe for unsubscribing a topic from the current node The topic is chosen randomly if null is passed and topics exist.
 void DistScribeRegrTestApp.isNewRoot(rice.pastry.NodeId topicId)
          Upcall by scribe to let this application know that it is the new root.
 void DistScribeRegrTestApp.newParent(rice.pastry.NodeId topicId, rice.pastry.NodeHandle newParent, java.io.Serializable data)
          Upcall by scribe to let this application know about local node's new parent in the topic tree

Constructors in rice.scribe.testing with parameters of type NodeId
DirectScribeMaintenanceTest.TestAnycastMessage(rice.pastry.messaging.Address address, rice.pastry.NodeHandle nh, rice.pastry.NodeId topicId, rice.pastry.security.Credentials credentials)

Rice Pastry API

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