Rice Pastry API

Uses of Class

Packages that use NodeId

Uses of NodeId in rice.pastry

Fields in rice.pastry declared as NodeId
protected  NodeId PastryNode.myNodeId

Methods in rice.pastry that return NodeId
abstract  NodeId NodeHandle.getNodeId()
          Gets the nodeId of this Pastry node.
static NodeId NodeId.buildNodeId(int[] material)
static NodeId NodeId.buildNodeId(byte[] material)
static NodeId NodeId.buildNodeId()
 NodeId NodeIdFactory.generateNodeId()
          Generates a nodeId.
 NodeId PastryNode.getNodeId()
          Gets the NodeId attribute of the PastryNode object

Methods in rice.pastry with parameters of type NodeId
 NodeHandle NodeSet.get(NodeId nid)
          Finds the NodeHandle associated with a NodeId.
 int NodeSet.getIndex(NodeId nid)
          Gets the index of the element with the given node id.
 NodeHandle NodeSet.remove(NodeId nid)
          Removes a node id and its handle from the set.
 NodeHandle NodeSetI.get(NodeId nid)
          Finds the NodeHandle associated with the NodeId.
 int NodeSetI.getIndex(NodeId nid)
          Gets the index of the element with the given node id.
 boolean PastryNode.isClosest(NodeId key)
          Called by the layered Pastry application to check if the local pastry node is the one that is currently closest to the object key id.
abstract  PastryNode PastryNodeFactory.newNode(NodeHandle bootstrap, NodeId nodeId)
          Call this to construct a new node of the type chosen by the factory, with the given nodeId.

Constructors in rice.pastry with parameters of type NodeId
PastryNode(NodeId id, Environment e)
          Constructor, with NodeId.

Uses of NodeId in rice.pastry.client

Methods in rice.pastry.client that return NodeId
 NodeId PastryAppl.getNodeId()
          Gets the node id associated with this client.

Methods in rice.pastry.client with parameters of type NodeId
 boolean PastryAppl.isClosest(NodeId key)
          Called by the layered Pastry application to check if the local pastry node is the one that is currently closest to the object key id.
 boolean PastryAppl.enrouteMessage(Message msg, Id key, NodeId nextHop, SendOptions opt)
          Called by pastry when a message is enroute and is passing through this node.

Uses of NodeId in rice.pastry.commonapi

Methods in rice.pastry.commonapi with parameters of type NodeId
 boolean PastryEndpoint.enrouteMessage(Message msg, Id key, NodeId nextHop, SendOptions opt)

Uses of NodeId in rice.pastry.direct

Methods in rice.pastry.direct that return NodeId
 NodeId DirectNodeHandle.getNodeId()
          Gets the NodeId attribute of the DirectNodeHandle object

Methods in rice.pastry.direct with parameters of type NodeId
 PastryNode DirectPastryNodeFactory.newNode(NodeHandle bootstrap, NodeId nodeId)
          Manufacture a new Pastry node.
 boolean EuclideanNetwork.isAlive(NodeId nid)
          testing if a NodeId is alive
 DirectNodeHandle EuclideanNetwork.getClosest(NodeId nid)
          find the closest NodeId to an input NodeId out of all NodeIds in the network
 void EuclideanNetwork.setAlive(NodeId nid, boolean alive)
          set the liveliness of a NodeId
 int EuclideanNetwork.proximity(NodeId a, NodeId b)
          computes the proximity between two NodeIds
 boolean NetworkSimulator.isAlive(NodeId nid)
          Checks to see if a node id is alive.
 int NetworkSimulator.proximity(NodeId a, NodeId b)
          Determines proximity between two nodes.
 DirectNodeHandle NetworkSimulator.getClosest(NodeId nid)
          Gets the Closest attribute of the NetworkSimulator object
 void NetworkSimulator.setAlive(NodeId nid, boolean alive)
          Sets the Alive attribute of the NetworkSimulator object
 boolean SphereNetwork.isAlive(NodeId nid)
          testing if a NodeId is alive
 DirectNodeHandle SphereNetwork.getClosest(NodeId nid)
          find the closest NodeId to an input NodeId out of all NodeIds in the network
 void SphereNetwork.setAlive(NodeId nid, boolean alive)
          set the liveliness of a NodeId
 int SphereNetwork.proximity(NodeId a, NodeId b)
          computes the proximity between two NodeIds

Constructors in rice.pastry.direct with parameters of type NodeId
DirectPastryNode(NodeId id, NetworkSimulator sim, Environment e)
          Constructor for DirectPastryNode.

Uses of NodeId in rice.pastry.dist

Fields in rice.pastry.dist declared as NodeId
protected  NodeId DistNodeHandle.nodeId

Methods in rice.pastry.dist that return NodeId
 NodeId DistNodeHandle.getNodeId()
          Gets the nodeId of this Pastry node.

Methods in rice.pastry.dist with parameters of type NodeId
abstract  PastryNode DistPastryNodeFactory.newNode(NodeHandle bootstrap, NodeId nodeId)
          Generates a new pastry node with the specified NodeId using the bootstrap bootstrap.
abstract  PastryNode DistPastryNodeFactory.newNode(NodeHandle bootstrap, NodeId nodeId, java.net.InetSocketAddress proxy)
          Generates a new pastry node with the specified NodeId using the bootstrap bootstrap.

Constructors in rice.pastry.dist with parameters of type NodeId
DistCoalesedNodeHandle(NodeId nodeId, java.net.InetSocketAddress address)
DistNodeHandle(NodeId nodeId, java.net.InetSocketAddress address)
DistPastryNode(NodeId id, Environment e)
          Constructor, with NodeId.

Uses of NodeId in rice.pastry.leafset

Methods in rice.pastry.leafset with parameters of type NodeId
 boolean LeafSet.member(NodeId nid)
          Verifies if the set contains this particular id.
 NodeHandle SimilarSet.get(NodeId nid)
          Finds the NodeHandle associated with the NodeId.
 int SimilarSet.getIndex(NodeId nid)
          Gets the index of the element with the given node id.
 boolean SimilarSet.member(NodeId nid)
 NodeHandle SimilarSet.remove(NodeId nid)
          Removes a node id and its handle from the set.

Uses of NodeId in rice.pastry.messaging

Methods in rice.pastry.messaging that return NodeId
 NodeId Message.getSenderId()
          Get sender Id.

Uses of NodeId in rice.pastry.routing

Methods in rice.pastry.routing with parameters of type NodeId
 NodeHandle RouteSet.get(NodeId nid)
          Returns the node handle with the matching node id or null if none exists.
 int RouteSet.getIndex(NodeId nid)
          Get the index of the node id.
 NodeHandle RouteSet.remove(NodeId nid)
          Removes a node from a set.
 boolean RouteSet.member(NodeId nid)
          Membership test.
 NodeHandle RoutingTable.get(NodeId nid)
          Gets the node handle associated with a given id.

Uses of NodeId in rice.pastry.socket

Methods in rice.pastry.socket with parameters of type NodeId
 PastryNode SocketPastryNodeFactory.newNode(NodeHandle bootstrap, NodeId nodeId)
          Method which creates a Pastry node from the next port with a randomly generated NodeId.
 PastryNode SocketPastryNodeFactory.newNode(NodeHandle bootstrap, NodeId nodeId, java.net.InetSocketAddress pAddress)
          Method which creates a Pastry node from the next port with a randomly generated NodeId.

Constructors in rice.pastry.socket with parameters of type NodeId
SocketNodeHandle(EpochInetSocketAddress address, NodeId nodeId)
SocketPastryNode(NodeId id, Environment e)

Uses of NodeId in rice.pastry.socket.messaging

Methods in rice.pastry.socket.messaging that return NodeId
 NodeId NodeIdResponseMessage.getNodeId()
          Returns the nodeId of the receiver.

Constructors in rice.pastry.socket.messaging with parameters of type NodeId
NodeIdResponseMessage(NodeId nid, long epoch)

Uses of NodeId in rice.pastry.standard

Methods in rice.pastry.standard that return NodeId
 NodeId CertifiedNodeIdFactory.generateNodeId()
          generate a nodeId
 NodeId IPNodeIdFactory.generateNodeId()
          generate a nodeId multiple invocations result in a deterministic series of randomized NodeIds, seeded by the IP address of the local host.
 NodeId RandomNodeIdFactory.generateNodeId()
          generate a nodeId

Methods in rice.pastry.standard with parameters of type NodeId
static void CertifiedNodeIdFactory.generateCertificate(NodeId id, java.io.OutputStream os, java.security.PrivateKey key)
          Method which generates a certificate given the nodeid, location, and private key

Uses of NodeId in rice.pastry.testing

Fields in rice.pastry.testing declared as NodeId
 NodeId PastryRegrTest.lastNode

Methods in rice.pastry.testing that return NodeId
 NodeId LeafSetTest.TestNodeHandle.getNodeId()
          Gets the NodeId attribute of the TestNodeHandle object
 NodeId NodeIdUnit.createNodeId()
 NodeId PingMessageNew.getSource()
          Gets the Source attribute of the PingMessageNew object

Methods in rice.pastry.testing with parameters of type NodeId
protected  boolean DirectPastryRegrTest.isReallyAlive(NodeId id)
          get authoritative information about liveness of node.
 boolean DistPastryRegrTest.isReallyAlive(NodeId id)
          Gets the ReallyAlive attribute of the DistPastryRegrTest object
 boolean HelloWorldApp.enrouteMessage(Message msg, Id key, NodeId nextHop, SendOptions opt)
          Invoked on intermediate nodes in routing path.
protected abstract  boolean PastryRegrTest.isReallyAlive(NodeId id)
          determine whether this node is really alive.
 void Ping.sendPing(NodeId nid)
 boolean Ping.enrouteMessage(Message msg, Id from, NodeId nextHop, SendOptions opt)
 void PingClient.sendPing(NodeId nid)
 void PingClient.sendTrace(NodeId nid)
 boolean PingClient.enrouteMessage(Message msg, Id from, NodeId nextHop, SendOptions opt)
 void RegrTestApp.sendMsg(NodeId nid)
 void RegrTestApp.sendTrace(NodeId nid)

Constructors in rice.pastry.testing with parameters of type NodeId
LeafSetTest.TestNodeHandle(NodeId id)
          Constructor for TestNodeHandle.
PingMessageNew(Address pingAddress, NodeId src, NodeId tgt)
          Constructor for PingMessageNew.

Rice Pastry API

Copyright © 2001-2005 - Rice Pastry.
