Rice Pastry API

Uses of Class

Packages that use LeafSet

Uses of LeafSet in rice.pastry

Methods in rice.pastry that return LeafSet
 LeafSet PastryNode.getLeafSet()
          Gets the LeafSet attribute of the PastryNode object
abstract  LeafSet PastryNodeFactory.getLeafSet(NodeHandle handle)
          This method returns the remote leafset of the provided handle to the caller, in a protocol-dependent fashion.

Methods in rice.pastry with parameters of type LeafSet
 void PastryNode.setElements(NodeHandle lh, MessageDispatch md, LeafSet ls, RoutingTable rt)
          Combined accessor method for various members of PastryNode.

Uses of LeafSet in rice.pastry.client

Methods in rice.pastry.client that return LeafSet
 LeafSet PastryAppl.getLeafSet()
          Called by a layered Pastry application to obtain a copy of the leaf set.

Uses of LeafSet in rice.pastry.direct

Methods in rice.pastry.direct that return LeafSet
 LeafSet DirectPastryNodeFactory.getLeafSet(NodeHandle handle)
          This method returns the remote leafset of the provided handle to the caller, in a protocol-dependent fashion.

Uses of LeafSet in rice.pastry.join

Methods in rice.pastry.join that return LeafSet
 LeafSet JoinRequest.getLeafSet()
          Gets the leafset of the node that accepted the join request;

Methods in rice.pastry.join with parameters of type LeafSet
 void JoinRequest.acceptJoin(NodeHandle nh, LeafSet ls)
          Accept join request.

Uses of LeafSet in rice.pastry.leafset

Methods in rice.pastry.leafset that return LeafSet
 LeafSet BroadcastLeafSet.leafSet()
          Returns the leaf set that was broadcast.
 LeafSet LeafSet.copy()
static LeafSet LeafSet.build(InputBuffer buf, NodeHandleFactory nhf)
          So that small LeafSets (who have overlapping nodes) don't waste bandwidth, leafset first defines the NodeHandles to be loaded into an array, then specifies their locations.

Methods in rice.pastry.leafset with parameters of type LeafSet
 boolean LeafSet.merge(LeafSet remotels, NodeHandle from, RoutingTable routeTable, boolean testOnly, java.util.Set insertedHandles)
          Merge a remote leafset into this

Constructors in rice.pastry.leafset with parameters of type LeafSet
BroadcastLeafSet(NodeHandle from, LeafSet leafSet, int type)
BroadcastLeafSet(java.util.Date stamp, NodeHandle from, LeafSet leafSet, int type)
LSRangeCannotBeDeterminedException(java.lang.String string, int r, int pos, int uniqueNodes, NodeHandle nh, LeafSet ls)
SimilarSet(LeafSet leafSet, NodeHandle localNode, int size, boolean cw)
SimilarSet(LeafSet leafSet, NodeHandle localNode, int size, boolean cw, NodeHandle[] handles)
          Constructor for SimilarSet.

Uses of LeafSet in rice.pastry.socket

Methods in rice.pastry.socket that return LeafSet
 LeafSet SocketPastryNodeFactory.getLeafSet(NodeHandle handle)
          This method returns the remote leafset of the provided handle to the caller, in a protocol-dependent fashion.

Uses of LeafSet in rice.pastry.socket.messaging

Methods in rice.pastry.socket.messaging that return LeafSet
 LeafSet LeafSetResponseMessage.getLeafSet()
          Returns the leafset of the receiver.

Constructors in rice.pastry.socket.messaging with parameters of type LeafSet
LeafSetResponseMessage(LeafSet leafset)

Uses of LeafSet in rice.pastry.standard

Fields in rice.pastry.standard declared as LeafSet
protected  LeafSet PeriodicLeafSetProtocol.leafSet
protected  LeafSet StandardJoinProtocol.leafSet
protected  LeafSet StandardLeafSetProtocol.leafSet

Methods in rice.pastry.standard with parameters of type LeafSet
protected  boolean StandardLeafSetProtocol.checkLeafSet(LeafSet remotels, NodeHandle from, boolean notifyMissing)
          Checks a received leafset advertisement for missing nodes
protected  boolean StandardLeafSetProtocol.mergeLeafSet(LeafSet remotels, NodeHandle from)
          Merge a remote leafset into our own
protected  void StandardLeafSetProtocol.broadcast(LeafSet ls, NodeHandle from)
          Broadcast the local leaf set to all members of the given leaf set, plus the node from which the leaf set was received.

Constructors in rice.pastry.standard with parameters of type LeafSet
ConsistentJoinMsg(LeafSet ls, java.util.HashSet failed, boolean request)
ConsistentJoinProtocol(PastryNode ln, NodeHandle lh, RoutingTable rt, LeafSet ls)
          Constructor for ConsistentJoinProtocol.
ConsistentJoinProtocol(PastryNode ln, NodeHandle lh, RoutingTable rt, LeafSet ls, MessageDeserializer md)
          Constructor takes in the usual suspects.
PeriodicLeafSetProtocol(PastryNode ln, NodeHandle local, LeafSet ls, RoutingTable rt)
          Builds a periodic leafset protocol
StandardJoinProtocol(PastryNode ln, NodeHandle lh, RoutingTable rt, LeafSet ls)
StandardJoinProtocol(PastryNode ln, NodeHandle lh, RoutingTable rt, LeafSet ls, MessageDeserializer md)
          Constructor for StandardJoinProtocol.
StandardLeafSetProtocol(PastryNode ln, NodeHandle local, LeafSet ls, RoutingTable rt)
          Constructor for StandardLeafSetProtocol.

Uses of LeafSet in rice.pastry.testing

Methods in rice.pastry.testing that return LeafSet
protected  LeafSet LeafSetTest.generateLeafSet(int size, int nodes, boolean crossover)
          Returns a leafset of size size out of a network with the specified number of nodes

Rice Pastry API

Copyright © 2001-2005 - Rice Pastry.
