Rice Pastry API

Uses of Class

Packages that use SelectionKeyHandler

Uses of SelectionKeyHandler in rice.pastry.socket

Subclasses of SelectionKeyHandler in rice.pastry.socket
 class PingManager
 class SocketCollectionManager
          Class which maintains all outgoing open sockets.
protected  class SocketCollectionManager.SocketAccepter
          Internal class which reads the greeting message off of a newly-accepted socket.
protected  class SocketCollectionManager.SourceRouteManager
          Private class which is tasked with maintaining a source route which goes through this node.

Uses of SelectionKeyHandler in rice.selector

Methods in rice.selector with parameters of type SelectionKeyHandler
 java.nio.channels.SelectionKey SelectorManager.register(java.nio.channels.SelectableChannel channel, SelectionKeyHandler handler, int ops)
          Registers a new channel with the selector, and attaches the given SelectionKeyHandler as the handler for the newly created key.

Rice Pastry API

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