Rice Pastry API

Uses of Class

Packages that use RMImpl

Uses of RMImpl in rice.rm.messaging

Methods in rice.rm.messaging with parameters of type RMImpl
 void RMMaintenanceMsg.handleDeliverMessage(rice.rm.RMImpl rm)
abstract  void RMMessage.handleDeliverMessage(rice.rm.RMImpl rm)
          This method is called whenever the rm node receives a message for itself and wants to process it.
 void RMRequestKeysMsg.handleDeliverMessage(rice.rm.RMImpl rm)
          The handling of the message iterates of the 'rangeSet' as takes the following action on the entries of type RMMessage.KEEntry.
 void RMResponseKeysMsg.handleDeliverMessage(rice.rm.RMImpl rm)
          The handling of the message does the following - 1.
 void RMTimeoutMsg.handleDeliverMessage(rice.rm.RMImpl rm)
          If the RMResponseKeysMsg corresponding to the wrapped RMRequestKeysMsg was received (done by having same 'eventId' field in RMRequestKeysMsg & corresponding RMResponseKeysMsg) then nothing needs to be done.

Uses of RMImpl in rice.rm.testing

Fields in rice.rm.testing declared as RMImpl
 rice.rm.RMImpl RMRegrTestApp.m_rm

Rice Pastry API

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