Rice Pastry API

Class GCEndpoint

  extended by rice.p2p.past.gc.GCEndpoint
All Implemented Interfaces:
Endpoint, NodeHandleReader

public class GCEndpoint
extends java.lang.Object
implements Endpoint

$Id: GCEndpoint.java 3524 2007-01-09 14:09:27Z jeffh $
Alan Mislove

Field Summary
protected  Endpoint endpoint
          The node which this mulitring node is wrapping
Constructor Summary
protected GCEndpoint(Endpoint endpoint)
Method Summary
 void accept(AppSocketReceiver receiver)
          Set's the acceptor for this application.
 NodeHandle coalesce(NodeHandle handle)
 void connect(NodeHandle handle, AppSocketReceiver receiver, int timeout)
          Passthrough to the sub endpoint.
 MessageDeserializer getDeserializer()
          Returns the deserializer.
 Environment getEnvironment()
          Returns the environment.
 Id getId()
          Returns this node's id, which is its identifier in the namespace.
 java.lang.String getInstance()
          Returns a unique instance name of this endpoint, sort of a mailbox name for this application.
 NodeHandle getLocalNodeHandle()
          Returns a handle to the local node below this endpoint.
 NodeHandleSet localLookup(Id id, int num, boolean safe)
          This call produces a list of nodes that can be used as next hops on a route towards the given id, such that the resulting route satisfies the overlay protocol's bounds on the number of hops taken.
 NodeHandleSet neighborSet(int num)
          This methods returns an unordered set of nodehandles on which are neighbors of the local node in the id space.
 java.util.List networkNeighbors(int num)
          Returns an ordered list of the nearest known neighbors.
 void process(Executable task, Continuation command)
          Schedules a job for processing on the dedicated processing thread.
 int proximity(NodeHandle nh)
          This replaces NodeHandle.proximity(), so that you don't have to have a "coalesced" NodeHandle.
 IdRange range(NodeHandle handle, int rank, Id lkey)
          This operation provides information about ranges of keys for which the node is currently a rank-root.
 IdRange range(NodeHandle handle, int rank, Id lkey, boolean cumulative)
          This operation provides information about ranges of keys for which the node is currently a rank-root.
 Id readId(InputBuffer buf, short type)
          To use a more efficient serialization format than Java Serialization
 IdRange readIdRange(InputBuffer buf)
          To use Raw Serialization
 NodeHandle readNodeHandle(InputBuffer buf)
          To use Raw Serialization
 NodeHandleSet readNodeHandleSet(InputBuffer buf, short type)
 void register()
          Call this after you have set up your Endpoint: called setDeserializer(), called accept().
 NodeHandleSet replicaSet(Id id, int maxRank)
          This methods returns an ordered set of nodehandles on which replicas of an object with a given id can be stored.
 NodeHandleSet replicaSet(Id id, int maxRank, NodeHandle root, NodeHandleSet set)
          This methods returns an ordered set of nodehandles on which replicas of an object with a given id can be stored.
 void route(Id id, Message message, NodeHandle hint)
          This method makes an attempt to route the message to the root of the given id.
 void route(Id id, RawMessage message, NodeHandle hint)
          Same as the other call, but uses the Raw serialization rather than java serialization.
 CancellableTask scheduleMessage(Message message, long delay)
          Schedules a message to be delivered to this application after the provided number of milliseconds.
 CancellableTask scheduleMessage(Message message, long delay, long period)
          Schedules a message to be delivered to this application every period number of milliseconds, after delay number of miliseconds have passed.
 CancellableTask scheduleMessageAtFixedRate(Message message, long delay, long period)
          Schedules a message to be delivered to this application every period number of milliseconds, after delay number of miliseconds have passed.
 void setDeserializer(MessageDeserializer md)
          To use a more efficient serialization format than Java Serialization
 java.lang.String toString()
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected Endpoint endpoint
The node which this mulitring node is wrapping

Constructor Detail


protected GCEndpoint(Endpoint endpoint)

node - The node to base this node off of
Method Detail


public Id getId()
Returns this node's id, which is its identifier in the namespace.

Specified by:
getId in interface Endpoint
The local node's id


public void route(Id id,
                  Message message,
                  NodeHandle hint)
This method makes an attempt to route the message to the root of the given id. The hint handle will be the first hop in the route. If the id field is null, then the message is routed directly to the given node, and delivers the message there. If the hint field is null, then this method makes an attempt to route the message to the root of the given id. Note that one of the id and hint fields can be null, but not both.

Specified by:
route in interface Endpoint
id - The destination Id of the message.
message - The message to deliver
hint - The first node to send this message to, optional


public void route(Id id,
                  RawMessage message,
                  NodeHandle hint)
Description copied from interface: Endpoint
Same as the other call, but uses the Raw serialization rather than java serialization.

Specified by:
route in interface Endpoint


public NodeHandleSet localLookup(Id id,
                                 int num,
                                 boolean safe)
This call produces a list of nodes that can be used as next hops on a route towards the given id, such that the resulting route satisfies the overlay protocol's bounds on the number of hops taken. If the safe flag is specified, then the fraction of faulty nodes returned is no higher than the fraction of faulty nodes in the overlay.

Specified by:
localLookup in interface Endpoint
id - The destination id.
num - The number of nodes to return.
safe - Whether or not to return safe nodes.


public NodeHandleSet neighborSet(int num)
This methods returns an unordered set of nodehandles on which are neighbors of the local node in the id space. Up to num handles are returned.

Specified by:
neighborSet in interface Endpoint
num - The number of desired handle to return.


public NodeHandleSet replicaSet(Id id,
                                int maxRank)
This methods returns an ordered set of nodehandles on which replicas of an object with a given id can be stored. The call returns nodes up to and including a node with maxRank.

Specified by:
replicaSet in interface Endpoint
id - The object's id.
maxRank - The number of desired replicas.


public NodeHandleSet replicaSet(Id id,
                                int maxRank,
                                NodeHandle root,
                                NodeHandleSet set)
This methods returns an ordered set of nodehandles on which replicas of an object with a given id can be stored. The call returns nodes up to and including a node with maxRank. This call also allows the application to provide a remove "center" node, as well as other nodes in the vicinity.

Specified by:
replicaSet in interface Endpoint
id - The object's id.
maxRank - The number of desired replicas.
handle - The root handle of the remove set
set - The set of other nodes around the root handle


public IdRange range(NodeHandle handle,
                     int rank,
                     Id lkey)
This operation provides information about ranges of keys for which the node is currently a rank-root. The operations returns null if the range could not be determined, the range otherwise. It is an error to query the range of a node not present in the neighbor set as returned bythe update upcall or the neighborSet call. Certain implementations may return an error if rank is greater than zero. Some protocols may have multiple, disjoint ranges of keys for which a given node is responsible. The parameter lkey allows the caller to specify which region should be returned. If the node referenced by is responsible for key lkey, then the resulting range includes lkey. Otherwise, the result is the nearest range clockwise from lkey for which is responsible.

Specified by:
range in interface Endpoint
handle - The handle whose range to check.
rank - The root rank.
lkey - An "index" in case of multiple ranges.


public IdRange range(NodeHandle handle,
                     int rank,
                     Id lkey,
                     boolean cumulative)
This operation provides information about ranges of keys for which the node is currently a rank-root. The operations returns null if the range could not be determined, the range otherwise. It is an error to query the range of a node not present in the neighbor set as returned bythe update upcall or the neighborSet call. Certain implementations may return an error if rank is greater than zero. Some protocols may have multiple, disjoint ranges of keys for which a given node is responsible. The parameter lkey allows the caller to specify which region should be returned. If the node referenced by is responsible for key lkey, then the resulting range includes lkey. Otherwise, the result is the nearest range clockwise from lkey for which is responsible.

Specified by:
range in interface Endpoint
handle - The handle whose range to check.
rank - The root rank.
lkey - An "index" in case of multiple ranges.
cumulative - Whether to return the cumulative or single range


public NodeHandle getLocalNodeHandle()
Returns a handle to the local node below this endpoint. This node handle is serializable, and can therefore be sent to other nodes in the network and still be valid.

Specified by:
getLocalNodeHandle in interface Endpoint
A NodeHandle referring to the local node.


public java.util.List networkNeighbors(int num)
Description copied from interface: Endpoint
Returns an ordered list of the nearest known neighbors. Note that proximity is usually an estimate, and can quickly become stale.

Specified by:
networkNeighbors in interface Endpoint
List of NodeHandle


public CancellableTask scheduleMessage(Message message,
                                       long delay)
Schedules a message to be delivered to this application after the provided number of milliseconds.

Specified by:
scheduleMessage in interface Endpoint
message - The message to be delivered
delay - The number of milliseconds to wait before delivering the message


public CancellableTask scheduleMessage(Message message,
                                       long delay,
                                       long period)
Schedules a message to be delivered to this application every period number of milliseconds, after delay number of miliseconds have passed.

Specified by:
scheduleMessage in interface Endpoint
message - The message to be delivered
delay - The number of milliseconds to wait before delivering the fist message
delay - The number of milliseconds to wait before delivering subsequent messages


public CancellableTask scheduleMessageAtFixedRate(Message message,
                                                  long delay,
                                                  long period)
Description copied from interface: Endpoint
Schedules a message to be delivered to this application every period number of milliseconds, after delay number of miliseconds have passed.

Specified by:
scheduleMessageAtFixedRate in interface Endpoint
message - The message to be delivered
delay - The number of milliseconds to wait before delivering the fist message


public void process(Executable task,
                    Continuation command)
Schedules a job for processing on the dedicated processing thread. CPU intensive jobs, such as encryption, erasure encoding, or bloom filter creation should never be done in the context of the underlying node's thread, and should only be done via this method.

Specified by:
process in interface Endpoint
task - The task to run on the processing thread
command - The command to return the result to once it's done


public java.lang.String getInstance()
Returns a unique instance name of this endpoint, sort of a mailbox name for this application.

Specified by:
getInstance in interface Endpoint
The unique instance name of this application


public Environment getEnvironment()
Description copied from interface: Endpoint
Returns the environment. This allows the nodes to be virtualized within the JVM

Specified by:
getEnvironment in interface Endpoint
the environment for this node/app.


public void connect(NodeHandle handle,
                    AppSocketReceiver receiver,
                    int timeout)
Passthrough to the sub endpoint.

Specified by:
connect in interface Endpoint
receiver - calls receiveSocket() when a new AppSocket is opened to this application on a remote node.


public void accept(AppSocketReceiver receiver)
Description copied from interface: Endpoint
Set's the acceptor for this application. If no acceptor is set, then when a remote node's application opens a socket here, they will get an *Exception*

Specified by:
accept in interface Endpoint
receiver - calls receiveSocket() when a new AppSocket is opened to this application from a remote node. Note that you must call accept() again after each socket is received to properly handle socket backlogging


public void setDeserializer(MessageDeserializer md)
Description copied from interface: Endpoint
To use a more efficient serialization format than Java Serialization

Specified by:
setDeserializer in interface Endpoint


public MessageDeserializer getDeserializer()
Description copied from interface: Endpoint
Returns the deserializer. The default deserializer can deserialize rice.p2p.util.JavaSerializedMessage

Specified by:
getDeserializer in interface Endpoint


public Id readId(InputBuffer buf,
                 short type)
          throws java.io.IOException
Description copied from interface: Endpoint
To use a more efficient serialization format than Java Serialization

Specified by:
readId in interface Endpoint


public NodeHandle readNodeHandle(InputBuffer buf)
                          throws java.io.IOException
Description copied from interface: NodeHandleReader
To use Raw Serialization

Specified by:
readNodeHandle in interface NodeHandleReader


public IdRange readIdRange(InputBuffer buf)
                    throws java.io.IOException
Description copied from interface: Endpoint
To use Raw Serialization

Specified by:
readIdRange in interface Endpoint


public NodeHandle coalesce(NodeHandle handle)
Specified by:
coalesce in interface NodeHandleReader


public NodeHandleSet readNodeHandleSet(InputBuffer buf,
                                       short type)
                                throws java.io.IOException
Specified by:
readNodeHandleSet in interface Endpoint


public java.lang.String toString()
toString in class java.lang.Object


public void register()
Description copied from interface: Endpoint
Call this after you have set up your Endpoint: called setDeserializer(), called accept().

Specified by:
register in interface Endpoint


public int proximity(NodeHandle nh)
Description copied from interface: Endpoint
This replaces NodeHandle.proximity(), so that you don't have to have a "coalesced" NodeHandle.

Specified by:
proximity in interface Endpoint

Rice Pastry API

Copyright © 2001-2005 - Rice Pastry.
