FreePastry release notes

Release 1.4,  3/15/05.

FreePastry is a modular, open source implementation of the Pastry p2p structured overlay network.


Peter Druschel , Eric Engineer , Romer Gil , Andreas Haeberlen , Jeff Hoye , Y. Charlie Hu , Sitaram Iyer , Andrew Ladd , Alan Mislove , Animesh Nandi , Ansley Post , Charlie Reis , Dan Sandler , Atul Singh , and RongMei Zhang contributed to the FreePastry code. The code is based on algorithms and protocols described in the following papers:


The software requires a Java runtime, version 1.4.2. The software was developed using Sun's SDK, version 1.4.2_03+


Changes since release 1.3.2

Changes since release 1.3.1

Changes since release 1.3

Changes since release 1.2

Changes since release 1.1


Release 1.4 has the following limitations.
(Background: To start a Pastry node, the IP address (and port number, unless the default port is used) of a "bootstrap" or "contact" node must be provided. If no such node is provided, and no other Pastry node runs on the local machine, then FreePastry creates a new overlay network with itself as the only node. Any node that is already part of the Pastry node can serve as the bootstrap node.)



To use the binary distribution, download the pastry jar file and set the Java classpath to include the path of the jar file. This can be done using the "-cp" command line argument, or by setting the CLASSPATH variable in your shell environment. For some applications you may need the 3rd party libraries included with the distribution. These are available in the source distributions. Simply unpack the distribution and include the jars in the lib/ directory in your classpath.

To compile the source distribution we have switched to ant for the build process. You will need to have ANT installed (available from on your system. Expand the archive (FreePastry-1.4-source.tgz or into a directory. Execute "ant" in the top level directory (you may have to increase the maximum memory for ant by setting the environment variable ANT_OPTS=-Xmx128m), then change to the "classes" directory to run FreePastry. 

You may have to provide a Java security policy file with sufficient permissions to allow FreePastry to contact other nodes. The simplest way to do this is to install a ".java.policy" file with the following content into your home directory:

grant {

Running FreePastry

1. To run a HelloWorld example:

     java [-cp pastry.jar] rice.pastry.testing.DistHelloWorld
          [-msgs m] [-nodes n] [-port p] [-bootstrap bshost[:bsport]] [-protocol [socket]]
          [-verbose|-silent|-verbosity v] [-help]

        Without -bootstrap bshost[:bsport], only localhost:p is used for bootstrap.
        Default verbosity is 5, -verbose is 10, and -silent is -1 (error msgs only).

        (replace "pastry.jar" by "FreePastry-<version>.jar", of course)

    Some interesting configurations:

  a. java rice.pastry.testing.DistHelloWorld

        Starts a standalone Pastry network, and sends two messages
        essentially to itself. Waits for anyone to connect to it,
        so terminate with ^C.

  b. java rice.pastry.testing.DistHelloWorld -nodes 2

        One node starts a Pastry network, and sends two messages to
        random destination addresses. At some point another node
        joins in, synchronizes their leaf sets and route sets, and
        sends two messages to random destinations. These may be
        delivered to either node with equal probability. Note how
        the sender node gets an "enroute" upcall from Pastry before
        forwarding the message.

  c. java rice.pastry.testing.DistHelloWorld -nodes 2 -verbose

        Also prints some interesting transport-level messages.

  d. pokey$ java rice.pastry.testing.DistHelloWorld
     gamma$ java rice.pastry.testing.DistHelloWorld -bootstrap pokey

        Two machines coordinate to form a Pastry network.

  e. pokey$ java rice.pastry.testing.DistHelloWorld
     gamma$ java rice.pastry.testing.DistHelloWorld -bootstrap pokey

        wait a few seconds, and interrupt with <ctrl-C>

     gamma$ java rice.pastry.testing.DistHelloWorld -bootstrap pokey

        The second client restarts with a new NodeID, and joins the
        Pastry network. One of them sends messages to the now-dead
        node, finds it down, and may or may not remove it
from the leaf sets. (repeat a few times to observe both
possibilities, i.e., leaf sets of size 3 or 5). If the
latter, then leaf set maintenance kicks in within a minute
on one of the nodes, and removes the stale entries.

f. pokey$ java rice.pastry.testing.DistHelloWorld
gamma$ java rice.pastry.testing.DistHelloWorld -bootstrap pokey -nodes 2

The client on gamma instantiates two virtual nodes, which
are independent in identity and functionality. Note how the
second virtual node bootstraps from the first (rather than
from pokey). Try starting say 10 or 30 virtual nodes, killing
with a <ctrl-C>, starting another bunch, etc.

2. To run the same HelloWorld application on an emulated network:

     java [-cp pastry.jar] rice.pastry.testing.HelloWorld [-msgs m] [-nodes n] [-verbose|-silent|-verbosity v] [-simultaneous_joins] [-simultaneous_msgs] [-help]

    Some interesting configurations:

  a. java rice.pastry.testing.HelloWorld

        Creates three nodes, and sends total three messages from
        randomly chosen nodes to random destinations addresses
        (which are delivered to the node with the numerically
        closest address).

  b. java rice.pastry.testing.HelloWorld -simultaneous_joins -simultaneous_msgs

        Join all three nodes at once, then issue three messages,
        then go about delivering them.

3. To run a regression test that constructs 500 nodes connected by an emulated network:

     java [-cp pastry.jar] rice.pastry.testing.DirectPastryRegrTest

4. To run a simple performance test based on an emulated network with successively larger numbers of nodes:

     java [-cp pastry.jar] rice.pastry.testing.DirectPastryPingTest

Writing applications on top of FreePastry

Applications that wish to use the native Pastry API must extend the class rice.pastry.client.PastryAppl. This class implements the Pastry API. Each application consists minimally of an application class that extends rice.pastry.client.PastryAppl, and a driver class that implements main(), creates and initializes one of more nodes, etc. Example applications and drivers can be found in rice.pastry.testing; the Hello World suite (,, may be a good starting point.

Another sample Pastry application is rice.scribe.

Application writers are strongly encouraged to base newly written applications on the new common API. Such applications should import the package rice.p2p.commonapi.

Running Scribe

1. To run a simple distributed test:

     java [-cp pastry.jar] rice.p2p.scribe.testing.ScribeRegrTest [-nodes n] [-port p] [-bootstrap bshost[:bsport]] [-protocol (direct|socket)] [-help]

        Ports p and bsport refer to contact port numbers (default = 5009).
        Without -bootstrap bshost[:bsport], only localhost:p is used for bootstrap.
        (replace "pastry.jar" by "FreePastry-<version>.jar", of course)

Running PAST

1. To run a simple distributed test:

     java [-cp pastry.jar] rice.p2p.past.testing.PastRegrTest [-nodes n] [-protocol (direct|socket)]
This creates a network of n nodes (10 by default), and then runs the Past regression test over these nodes.

Running SplitStream

The FreePastry implementation of SplitStream implements the system described in the SOSP '03 paper. class provides an interface that can be used by applications to create SplitStream instances. Each SplitStream forest is represented by a channel object (, where a channel object encapsulates multiple stripe trees. Each stripe tree for a SplitStream forest is represented by a class (, which handles the data reception and subscription failures.

Applications can configure the maximum capacity each channel can accommodate in terms of number of children it is willing to accept. Applications can control total outgoing capacity they are willing to provide by changing the value in

1. To run a simple distributed test:

     java [-cp pastry.jar] rice.p2p.splitstream.testing.SplitStreamRegrTest [-nodes n] [-protocol (direct|socket)]
This creates a network of n nodes (10 by default), and then runs the SplitStream regression test over these nodes.
